Why be pro-life? I admit that I used to be pro-life at one point, but I changed my mind once I did some research and really thought it through. I'm not bashing pro-lifers; I agree that the concept of killing a potential life is sad and disgusting. Most pro-choicers will even agree to that, but where the two sides differ is that pro-choicers are altruists, not murderers, and rather than thinking only of a potential life that hasn't even been born yet, they instead have concern for those who are already alive, especially those who are suffering greatly.
Let's discuss both sides: For pro-life- abortion, yes, is essentially destroying a (potential) life, and that is something that in most cases is unfortunate and disgusting. You hate to see it, and you believe that every fetus deserves a chance (my exact point, as you will later see). Another point is that loose women should not be able to just go sleep with whomever they want and then with no regard to consequences have an abortion any time they become pregnant and don't want a child. I agree with pro-lifers in that there SHOULD be more personal accountability and responsibility.
That, in fact, brings me to my biggest argument FOR pro-choice; every born person DOES deserve a chance at life. I think that most pro-lifers get so caught up over just the act of abortion, they forget to view all the people who are ALREADY alive and are suffering terribly, whether its because they were born in a third-world country, or are physically limited, or aren't afforded regular food, clothes, education, etc. I think we should, yes, educate people about being responsible with sex (and abstinence-only is just NOT the way to go about that), but more importantly we need to spend more of our energy instead on fighting to help out those who are already alive and suffering.
Now, with that said- just because you have genitals does NOT give you the right to just breed breed breed. Having kids is NOT something you do because you feel its "time," or because it's something you've always wanted to do. That is what ignorant selfish people think, having no regard for their future children or for other human beings. Having kids is an action that should be carefully thought out by two committed people (and that is regardless of their sexuality; straights and gays are equally good parent figures because we are all just human at the end of the day), and ideally only carried out by people who are intelligent enough and have the financial and emotional means to have kids, to have time to spend raising kids, and who can afford them consistently healthy, opportunistic, successful lives. Also, contrary to popular thought, having kids does not make them your sole property or problem. Every person affects everyone other person in the world. Each person is another mouth to feed, another back to clothe, another mind to educate and nourish, and if a parent does not have the means to provide these BASIC RIGHTS to their offspring- and then some- they should not be breeding; that DEFINITELY includes the retards that have kids only to get a bigger welfare check (ugh!). Now, I'm not saying that I think people can't breed; I'm saying maybe hold off a few years to save more money or wait to have kids til you've done more with YOUR life so that you can get the selfishness out of your system and be well-adjusted enough to raise kids efficiently, and so you can have more life wisdom to pass on to your children. Living in utah especially, I see young girls (too young... like fresh out of high school) get married early too frequently. Some have never lived away from their parents' house, or been to college, or have any type of independent self-sustaining life experience; it scares me to death that someone that young, inexperienced, and flat-out ignorant about life can have as many kids as they want and no one bats an eyelash. That's fucking scary- I don't care WHO you are.
For those of you who are pro-life solely because of religious reasons, let me give you a brief life lesson: "god" has NOTHING to do with this. Is "god" down here working two part-time jobs, happily letting his hard-earned tax dollars go to other people's welfare checks to help pay for their seven kids they don't give a shit about? No, he's not. Is "god" down here personally taking care of all the sick and afflicted people around the world, wiping tears off childrens' cheeks, and stopping ravishing diseases or corrupt governments that don't help their citizens? No, he's not. Is "god" down here making sure that all children are properly and regularly fed, bathed, clothed, educated, loved, and happy? No, he's not. So sit your bible down, and step into the real world. Just because you pray to "god" every day on behalf of the well-being of others doesn't mean that "god" exists or that its doing anything at all.
Those who are intelligent and open-minded can see that actually allowing someone to birth another child into a world where they are on welfare barely scraping by, where this child may not receive the food, care, education, attention and support it needs to be a contributive member of society, is worse than and heavily outweighs flat-out denying a life (and all the struggles it would otherwise inherently have to wade through). And no- just because the parents have a minimal amount of money and are able to feed their kids 2-3 meals every day and give them a handful of outfits to wear and have a small house to live in does NOT mean that the children are well-provided for. Kids need more than the bare bare minimum, and that's why I'm pro-choice.