sometimes when i feel nihilist, i think: nihilism is. nihilism is not. i am. i am not. sometimes i say who fucking cares? who cares? why care? what, truly, is there to care about? friends come and go, jobs come and go, family members come and go, happiness comes and goes, trials come and go, thoughts come and go, beliefs come and go. everything is different every day. there is no definitive anything. no matter what religion tells you, there is nothing to believe in or hold on to. science tells us that is by some freak chance that we are here. why do we matter? what about humans is so damn important? the mona lisa is not important. the great architecture of the world is not important. children are not important. success and fame and money are not important. tv is not important. material posessions are not important. status is not important. what people think about you or anything else is not important, our actions are generally unimportant. why do we bother doing anything?
other times when i feel nihilistic, the other part of me says: nothingness is not a chain around our necks. nothingness is a liberating reminder that freedom is absolute. there is no necessity to accomplish anything, but this also implies there is no reason to accomplish nothing. instead of thinking that nothing matters, so why do anything, rather be of the mindset that nothing is restricting you from accomplishing anything, no matter how trivial the end result may be. nothing matters to a collective mindset, but everything matters to a single mind. whatever you feel is important is important. value can only be determined by you. as former president bush said so eloquently, "i am the decider."
not is not.