hi guys, i'll fill this out more later, but i just wanted to quickly note my complete and total disgust for people who are considered "adults." with very very few exceptions, all the adults i've encountered in my life are supremely underdeveloped emotionally and should not be allowed any rights- i don't care if it's constitutional or not. all in the past week (maybe even past day) i've dealt with adults who tattle tale, who are EXTREMELY petty, who talk down to me just because of where i work, who are so fucking selfish they'd never be able to pull their heads out of their own asses even with a lake full of astroglide, who are seriously reading books for retarded teenagers, who are beyond nosy, who can't see past the tip of their own nose and do what's right for themselves and their kids/families, who spend extravagant amounts of money just to get a temporary high and feel good about themselves for a moment or two, who drown their sorrows daily in alcohol and various drugs, who can't admit to themselves any truths about themselves, who can't ever be the bigger person in a fight, who can't clean up after themselves, who are demanding and rude beyond their right to be, who have kids but treat them very poorly and are ruining them, who break promises as quickly as they make them, who don't understand budgeting, etc. i could really go on forever.
it's totally disgusting, and i shouldn't have to go be a hermit in a faraway land just to not have to deal with morons like this regularly. it's not really asking a lot imo.
grow the fuck up. be mature. accept responsibility for yourself in every way. don't make excuses. be honest and upfront. be hardworking. be fair. be courteous. BE NICE.
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